Difference between Git and GitHub

In this article, I will explain about what the key difference between git and GitHub. So let’s first understand both git and GitHub.


Difference between Git and GitHub


What is git and how it works

Git is a version control system that is used to track changes to files and manage projects with multiple developers. Here is an example of how Git can be used –

  • A developer creates a new project on their local machine and initializes a Git repository using the “git init” command.
  • The developer adds some files/folders to the project and stages them for commit using the git add command.
  • The developer makes a commit, which saves a snapshot of the project’s files at a specific point in time, using the git commit command.
  • The developer makes some more changes to the project’s files and commits them again.
  • The developer pushes the changes to a remote Git repository, such as a repository hosted on GitHub, using the “git push” command.

So basically, it is a command-line tool that can be used to track changes to files and collaborate on projects among developers.

What is GitHub and how it works

GitHub is a web-based platform that provides Git hosting and collaboration features. Here is an example of how GitHub can be used –

  • A developer creates a new repo on GitHub and pushes their project’s files/folders from their local machine to the repo using Git commands.
  • Other team members can then clone the repository to their own local machines and work on the project.
  • As each developer makes changes and commits them locally, they can push their changes to the remote repository on GitHub.
  • GitHub provides features such as code review, bug tracking, code check-ins, and project management to facilitate collaboration between developers.
  • The repository on GitHub serves as a central point of collaboration, allowing all team members to work on the project and track its progress.

GitHub provides hosting for software development version control using Git. It is a service that allows developers to store their code repositories online, as well as track and manage, review changes to their codebase.

If I summarize both below are the five key differences between git and GitHub-

Difference between Git and GitHub

  1. Git is a version control system, while GitHub is a web-based Git repository hosting service.
  2. Git is a command-line tool, while GitHub provides a web-based graphical interface.
  3. Git is used for local version control, while GitHub is used for remote version control.
  4. Git is used for tracking changes to files, while GitHub is used for collaboration and sharing code between developers.
  5. Git is a free and open-source software distributed, while GitHub is a cloud-based service that requires a subscription fee for private repositories.



In summary, Git is a version control system, and GitHub is a web-based platform that provides Git hosting and additional collaboration features. I hope now you understand what is git and GitHub and what are the difference between git and GitHub.

Posted in git