PHP Array with Example

In this article, we learn how to can create and use a PHP array and how you can manipulate array elements using PHP.     PHP Array PHP arrays are used to store multiple values in a single variable. There are several ways to create and use arrays in PHP. Here are a few examples-In this article, we learn how to can create and use a PHP array and how you can manipulate array elements using PHP.     PHP Array PHP arrays are used to store multiple values in a single variable. There are several ways to create and use arrays in PHP. Here are a few examples- […]

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Posted in PHP

PHP 2 decimal places without rounding code example

In this article, I show you how to get Php 2 decimal places without rounding off the actual number. This is important when you are working on some math calculation script and your results are varying because of the decimal values. This is a very common scenario to handle decimal places in numeric figures.  In this article, I show you how to get Php 2 decimal places without rounding off the actual number. This is important when you are working on some math calculation script and your results are varying because of the decimal values. This is a very common scenario to handle decimal places in numeric figures.   […]

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Posted in PHP